Welcome to OSPIE
The Mission of the Office of Strategic Planning and Institutional Effectiveness is to foster a culture of evidence and continuous improvement. We do this through student learning assessment, planning, and accreditation and compliance activities designed to create a culture of assessment, promote faculty engagement, and enhance University operations and services.
- Coordinate compliance activities related to SACSCOC accreditation including substantive changes and the fifth-year and ten-year reaffirmation processes;
- Facilitate annual planning and reporting of academic program, administrative and student support units, and general education (UK Core) learning outcomes assessment;
- Coordinate academic periodic (unit) reviews;
- Support new academic program development and program changes;
- Coordinate chief academic officer reviews;
- Compile and report information on the university strategic plan;
- Provide data to support academic program planning;
- Provide training and educational opportunities related to assessment, periodic review, and accreditation;
- Support external reporting requirements to the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE)